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Skill Development

Skill Development Program

Info Doskey is a premier skill development company, envisioned to create a new paradigm in the Indian education and training industry. Over the years the company has been already involved in delivering various skills development programs, which has bridged the gap between employability and employment and have enabled millions of young people find suitable employment and excel at their work places. Skill development initiatives will help actualize the inert potential, for which development and articulation of a national policy on skill development is already in progress. As India moves progressively towards becoming a global knowledge economy, it must meet the rising aspirations of its youth. This can be partially achieved through focus on advancement of skills that are relevant to the emerging economic environment. The challenge pertains not only to a huge quantitative expansion in skill training for the youth, but also to the much more important task of raising their quality. With a goal to create opportunities, space and scope for the development of the talents of the Indian youth and to enhance their technical expertise, Info Doskey focuses on Youth Skill Development as one of its pillars.