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E-governance models are built around objectives that include better use of information, quicker dissemination of information, transparency in government-people transactions, and creating services that cover as broad a spectrum of society as possible. E-governance also allows governments to participate in business transactions in a more profitable manner. For the government, the benefits of E-governance include better service to the citizens, reduced transaction costs, reduction in paperwork and paper records as well as better utilization of space that would otherwise be used for storing documents.

The expertise and technologies provided by Doskey since its inception have been utilized towards implementation of many successful e-governance services. There are initiatives designed for the empowerment of the people across sections of the society, which need transparent implementation to ensure the benefits are passed on to the rightful people. Doskey’ Innovative E-governance managed services models based on PPP, BOO and BOOT enable fast and accountable implementation.

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upcoming events

Oct. 2018

Private Training

  • Soft Skill Training
  • Job Oriented Training
  • Patna, Bihar
Nov. 2018

Job Fair

  • 10.00 am - 5.30 pm
  • Every District of Bihar
Dec. 2018

Career Counceling

  • 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
  • Every District in Bihar